
The WEEPI Foundation

The Western-Eastern European Partnership Initiative on HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis (WEEPI) Foundation was established in October 2018 as a Swiss legal entity.

The overall aim of the WEEPI Foundation is to improve quality of care for people with HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis (TB) in the eastern European region through support of clinical or implementation research projects.

Since the first call for proposals was launched in October 2019, the Foundation has continued to grow with an increasing number of projects, a well-established and transparent project selection mechanism and ongoing research capacity development – all leading to sustainable results and impact for people living with HIV, viral hepatitis and TB in the eastern European region. 

In line with the Foundation’s overall aim, funded projects aim at improving the quality of care for people living with HIV, viral hepatitis or tuberculosis, by focusing on at least two of the following aspects:

The Foundation is governed by an Executive Board which sets the overall strategic direction of the Foundation. An Advisory Board consisting of leading European experts advises the Executive Board on the selection of proposals for funding based on the results of an expert peer-review process covering all eligible project proposals.